Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler adalah ajang pembentukan bakat dan ajang kreativitas peserta didik. Kegiatan ekstrakulikuler merupakan salah satu sarana penyaluran kreatifitas peserta didik sebagai upaya untuk mencegah agar peserta didik terjerumus pada pergaulan yang tidak baik seperti narkoba dan perkelahian pelajar. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler ditujukan agar siswa dapat mengembangkan kepribadian, bakat dan kemampuannya di berbagai bidang diluar akademik. Manfaat kegiatan ini untuk wadah penyaluran hobi, minat, dan bakat para siswa secara positif yang dapat mengasah kemampuan, daya kreativitas, jiwa sportivitas, dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri. Akan lebih baik bila mampu memberikan prestasi gemilang di luar sekolah sehingga dapat mengharumkan nama sekolah.

Hello bro and sis! Here we will tell you what is an English forum, what are the activities.

English Forum(EF) is an extracurricular in smanda that majors in english.

English Forum is classified as an academic extracurricular since english lessons are thought academically in schools. English Forum have a purpose to expand our education in english and to develop our skills in english. In the English Forum,we will learn to speak english fluently and we will learn public speaking in english. This extracurricular is perfect for those students who wants to learn englis and for those students who wants to improve their english skills.

There are also Division in the English Forum. These division are for the members to specialize more on the skills they want to improve. The division are debate,speech, & newscast. Students can choose on which division they are interested in. In the debate division, students will learn on how to convince and persuade people into believing and supporting the things you want to persuade.In speech you will learn to public speak, Students will also learn on how to give ideas, explain their ideas, and to inspire people from their ideas. Newscasting is similar to speech the only thing different is,in newscasting you will learn to give information and facts as clear as possible to make sure audience understand the information you’re trying to tell.In English Forum,you can join competition such as debate competition,speech competition and newscasting competition. You can win prizes and gain achievement.